text: 587-777-5558 or office phone:403-265-0162
214, 4441 76 Ave SE Calgary
Please note that for USA Rentals taxpayers are required to depreciate the building and its assets(washers, dryers, HVAC etc) regardless of whether the taxpayer wishes to or if there is a loss. A continuous schedule is required.
Value of the structure(not land & building)- see your insurance policy
Rental income for the year
Mortgage interest paid
Property tax paid
Administration fees paid
Motor vehicle expenses (see: Motor Vehicle Expenses)
Maintenance costs
Advertising costs
Legal fees
Management fees
GST form(if applicable)
List of appliances & purchase value(water heater, furnace etc.)
Previous years CCA (depreciation of Assets) schedules even if you did not make a claim in teh prior year
Vehicle Expense Documenation
CRA will always require a mileage log. Do you best to write your KM's on your gas receipts at each fill up
Vehicle Expenses
Details Per Vehicle of Vehicle used and driven by (make, model, year, lease/owned/loan)
Mileage Chart (ok I know most of you do not have this but if you do great)
Maintenance & repairs
Insurance Registration
Car Washes
Speeding Tickets are not allowable as an expense - Sorry
Travel Documentation Required
Details of purpose of trips if not for specific job/invoices - Specify why you traveled to the rental (this does not apply for local rentals - only those located outside of your principal location i.e. Calgary and Surrounding Area and you travel to your vacation rental in Arizona or Vancouver Island etc.)
Airfare receipts
Hotel/Lodging/ meals & entertainment
Laundry/ Dry Cleaning
Car Rental